Real Property Management Cache Valley

Charging Ahead: A Renter’s Guide to Owning an Electric Car

Electric automobiles are becoming more and more popular because of its many benefits, which include being economical and environmentally beneficial. However, if you rent a home, owning an electric automobile can be difficult. In such a situation, it’s important to consider certain factors that can assist you in overcoming these obstacles and still reap the benefits of owning an electric vehicle as a renter.


Charging Infrastructure

If you plan to buy an electric car, the charging infrastructure available at your rental property is essential. You should evaluate the electrical system in your property and confirm that it can handle the additional electrical load. 


If you don’t have access to a garage or dedicated parking space with an electrical outlet that can accommodate the appropriate charging connection and offers the necessary power levels, you should check. As an alternative, you might look into whether there’s a convenient public charging station close by.


Landlord Permission

Let’s imagine you’re considering upgrading the electrical system of your rented property by installing a charging station. If so, you should carefully review your lease agreement and consult your landlord or property management company for guidance. Ensuring adherence to all regulations stipulated in the lease agreement will assist you in averting any possible problems or miscommunications.


Be sure to communicate your plans clearly and seek permission before making any modifications to the property. You may ensure that you follow the necessary procedures while making any repairs to your rented property and satisfy your landlord by doing this.


Portable Chargers

If you are having trouble setting up a separate charging station for your electric vehicle, you may want to think about utilizing a portable charger that you plug into a standard household socket. It’s crucial to remember, though, that portable chargers may not have enough range for your usual driving needs and are slower than dedicated charging stations. It is therefore essential to make sure that your rental property has outlets that are both conveniently located and appropriate for charging.


When buying a portable charger, it’s crucial to consider the amperage rating of the outlet you plan to use. You may need to contact an electrician to install one with your landlord’s permission if your rental property does not have an accessible outlet with a 120-volt, 20-amp rating. This is because most portable chargers require this type of outlet.  


It’s crucial to keep in mind that certain portable chargers require their own circuit, so be sure to check the manufacturer’s specifications before making a purchase.


Other Considerations

  • Public Charging: Using public charging infrastructure isn’t usually the most cost-effective or practical option, but it can occasionally be a workable one. The locations and availability of charging stations in your community should be considered. This will help you estimate how much charging you’ll need, especially if you travel long distances frequently. Moreover, the cost structures of different charging stations may differ, which could have an additional impact on your overall spending. Because of this, it is essential that you carefully weigh your options before choosing one.
  • Electric Utility Rates: If you own an electric vehicle, you should investigate any programs your utility company may be offering to help you lower the cost of charging. Your total energy costs may vary significantly depending on the specific rates or incentives that these programs provide. Examine the offers made by your supplier carefully to see whether there are any that you can benefit from.
  • Charging Apps: Electric vehicle owners may quickly find charging stations in their area, confirm that they are open, and keep an eye on the charging procedure by using specialized EV charging apps. These apps enable a simple and hassle-free EV charging experience.


Owning an electric car as a renter need more preparation and organization, but it can still be a sensible and sustainable option. A growing number of renters are choosing to switch to electric vehicles due to the expanded availability of charging stations and the broader sustainability movement. It’s essential to do extensive research and keep lines of communication open with your landlord to ensure a smooth transition. By taking these easy actions, you can help the environment and profit from owning an electric car in many ways.


At Real Property Management Cache Valley, we want your experience renting in Logan and the surrounding area to be even better. Our commitment to ensuring tenant satisfaction and meeting your specific needs sets us apart in the market. Visit available listings or give us a call at 435-753-5200 right now!